Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)

Impact of English Language Teaching for Average level students

Published 2022-03-26


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As a Language Teacher I have come across all levels of students. The difference what I found in a class of 60 is vast.  For example, (there are about 3 levels: High, Medium and Low). Today I am going to concentrate on Medium Level Students. They all come with one big dream in unison of becoming a full-fledged engineer one day but we can see that most of their dreams shattered at the very outset when they realize that they lack in effective communication. After analysing I have set a new level of teaching in a class of 60 identifying these students to come out of their comfort and explore what is meant for them. Through this paper I have reminisced on those experiences and have also shared those strategies which i consciously have taken efforts to help such students overcome theirs fears