Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)

A review on the Absurdity in the Plays of Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter and Satish Alekar

Published 2022-03-30


  • Portora Royal, French Beckett's, Mahesh Elunchwar’s, Gunter Grass’s.


In this paper, we will discuss the concept of absurdity in the works of Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter, and Satish Alekar, which covers Beckett's early works, which are widely thought to have been influenced by his buddy James Joyce's work. They are scholarly and appear to be displaying the author's knowledge solely for the sake of displaying it, resulting in several ambiguous passages. The first few lines in More Pricks than Kicks (1934), a collection of short stories, provide a good example of this technique. It was morning, and Belacqua was trapped in the first of the moon's canti. He couldn't move forward or backward because he was stuck. Beatrice was there, as was Dante, and she described the moon's markings to him. In this paper, we will look at the plays and see what we can learn about them. We aim to show a little bit about the lives of these authors and their roles in the play in this paper.