Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)

Comprehensive Analysis and Assessment of Impact of Branding on Consumer Buying Behavior

Published 2021-08-27


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Consumer research expenses behaviour is a very important area of research. The paper involves the results of major research, and its purpose is to examine the influence of brands on consumer purchases. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the fact that the brand has an impact on the customer's decision-making process. The original raw data in the original research was collected using the quantitative method of questionnaire survey. Entry into the quantitative study involves selected 650 groups of interviewees. . Partial results of the complex research conducted in January 2019 to May 2020 are subject to the content of the paper. Primary research was conducted continuously during the period of four months in 2020 in Kanpur. The established questionnaire is tested and revised on a pilot basis before being used. The statistical method uses the chi-square test. Based on the above-mentioned research areas, two hypotheses were formulated, focusing on the relationship between the age of the interviewee and the purchase of branded products and the relationship between the age of the interviewee and the brand which they prefer.