Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)

Impact Of Trade Union On Improving Employees Working Conditions

Published 2021-08-17


Labour Union are legal organizations that consist of a group workers who have banded together to bargain with employers on behalf of workers. The primary role of labour unions is to fight for better rights, working condition, wages, hours and benefits for workers. The aim objective of this study was to assess the impact of trade Union on improving employees working conditions. This objective was achieved by studying the roles of trade Unions and the problems faced employees in their working areas. Questionnaire, personal interview and examination of existing record was the basic research design used to gather the necessary data. The study population of the organization selected the staff from middle, lower and operation level of management at TNSTC and also to different workers from different organizations. The overall study concluded that to  a certain extent labor union help to improve working conditions of the employees but still has to make a number of efforts to improve its activities including brand development, to adopt their working agenda should be more active in aiding unemployed.