Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)

Assessing Influence of Holiday Satisfaction on Future Behavioral Intentions with special reference to Jaisalmer City of Rajasthan

Published 2021-08-02


Tourism is a significant leveler since it produces income, which is distributed fairly. It is for this reason that tourism is a top priority for governments at all levels. The visitor's experience is the most significant aspect in the entire tourism transaction. The crucial inflection point of this study is to determine the degree of holiday satisfaction and find out the service quality gap between travel expectations and travel experiences among international tourists in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. The survey method was based on the holiday satisfaction model (HOLSAT). The study uses mean values on 18 destination attributes for a sample of 159 international tourists who visited the Jaisalmer area of Rajasthan to assess the experience-expectations difference. Most of the attributes were satisfactory to international tourists, but some were not, such as “Changing money would be difficult” , “There would be many beggars & street vendors” and “There would be a shortage of some food or fresh waters” were not in line with their standards. As a result, human resources would need to be trained to curate and execute these experiences.